Personality requires an audience, states Richard Todd in his intriguing book, The Thing Itself: On the Search for Authenticity. Todd goes on to note that the concept of character is different in that consistency is its hallmark, built out of incremental deeds, whereas...
I recently wrote that authenticity is a concept of the self that is perpetually evolving and that conversation is a means by which we can navigate towards self-awareness. In reading Maria Konnikova’s book, The Confidence Game, I am reminded of another feature of the...
Stop endeavoring to seek out your true, immutable authentic self as that is an impossible task. However, do not then succumb to the pessimistic despair in believing everything and everyone, including you, is irredeemably artificial. To attempt to define that singular,...
When I speak or consult on the subject of conversation, I express my dismay over the current state of conversation, caught between the poles of extreme rudeness, where there are only intersecting angry monologues, and extreme pleasantness, where superficial discussion...