Big Omaha – Day Two

… continuing the pursuit of conversation at Big Omaha, here is what I was rewarded with on Day Two at Big Omaha: Meeting Chris Heuertz of Word Made Flesh was intriguing and reminded me that while conversation does not require an outcome, because it is meaningful...

Big Omaha – Day One

As I announced yesterday, I am eager to discover at Big Omaha the degree to which conversation is either recognized by participants as an essential element of or is identifiable within the entrepreneurial success stories as an intrinsic component of these innovation...

Big Omaha cialisI’m looking forward to the Big Omaha conference, as I am eager to discover the degree to which conversation is either recognized by participants as an essential element of or is identifiable within the entrepreneurial success stories...

Conversation and Entrepreneurship – Part 1 of 3

“An idea not implemented is no idea at all.” Louis Kahn I was reminded at Big Omaha 2011 of my disagreement with Kahn’s quote when some presenters suggested that ideas were the easy element to come by for an entrepreneurial endeavor; that it was the “doing”...

Accelerated Serendipity

Dusty Davidson was our surprise creative presenter for Arthaus11 Series One Event Three. Among many concepts Dusty introduced, the group discussion was particularly animated around a founding principle of Big Omaha: that collaboration among people of diverse...