Absent the Spectacle

We are so afraid of introspection, of being alone with ourselves, that we throw a technicolor array of distractions across our experiences. That fear of ourselves is captured well by Søren Kierkegaard who said, “The unhappy man is always absent from himself, never...

Explore Conversation in Your Life

“Conversation distinguishes the human being from the animal
 and the civilized man from the barbarian.” – Michael Oakeshott Nurturing our conversational lives has many benefits. It is the bridge that connects our individual selves with those of people around us. To...

The hurry to intimacy

I am turning my attention to silence, especially its vital role in conversations that are fulfilling and connecting. My academic friends, Creighton Professors Samantha Senda-Cook and Jay Leighter, helpfully directed me to various initial resources, including Keith...

Conversation in Silence

As Cicero observed, silence is one of the splendid arts of conversation. [This image an extract from Watie White’s Stolen series, featuring me as Hockney’s parents, in silent communion.] [Squishtalks is on vacation. This is one of a series of prepared...


Silence is golden. Perhaps not literally, but those pauses and periods of quiet within or between conversations are of value. This Inc. magazine post, “Best Interview Technique That You Never Use” by Jeff Haden, points to silence as an interview technique...