
The beautiful, brutal antidote to nostalgia that is the film On the Bowery was the subject of last Sunday’s Squish production with Film Streams. Among the issues attendees talked about was the tendency to romanticize bygone times, including the seeming...

Snippets: Sontag, John Stuart Mill and Film Streams

Susan Sontag “I write – and talk – in order to find out what I think.”* John Stuart Mill “… among the truths recognized by Continental philosophers… one is the importance of antagonistic modes of thought: which are as...

Black Girl at Film Streams

My first collaboration with Film Streams took place this week, with a Squishtalk immediately following the screening of Ousmane Sembene’s Black Girl. New Yorker Films provides this synopsis: Ousmane Sembene’s debut feature made a profound impression at international...

Bearing Witness

The dehumanizing wrought by drawn out hostility, intolerance and aggression was, as paradoxically as this may sound, beautifully portrayed at Film Streams last week, which showed Declan Keeney’s two documentary films, We Are Not Afraid and We Carried Your Secrets....