Unproductive teams? Disengaged people? Insipid creativity in your culture? Charles Duhigg reveals the solutions to these problems in his New York Times article, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team.” It turns out to be a simple solution. The...
Conversation is a form of knowledge management. Along with the business benefits of innovation, cultural cohesion, empathic and ethical behaviors, and enhanced capacity for change that is inherent in a conversational culture, latent knowledge is shared. Not only does...
“The best ideas occur to people who are touching multiple worlds and domains.” Justin Berg, Wharton doctoral candidate Justin Berg is a doctoral candidate studying creativity at Wharton School. While the New York Times was featuring Adam Grant in its...
The recent NY Times obituary of Dr. Ian Ross, former President of Bell Labs, observed the genius of Bell Labs as a crucible for invention, led by the sharp, pragmatic and visionary innovators like Dr. Ross. In particular, this section captures the essence of their...
Those Talent Anarchists, Jason Lauritsen and Joe Gerstandt, have created a session concept for HR and talent managers called HackLab. As they explain, “The idea behind the session [is] simple: to teach people how to use the basic principles of computer hacking...
This McKinsey Quarterly article (registration may be required, and is free), The Social Side of Strategy, provides insight into current trends providing for more stakeholder input into the business strategic planning process. Among their objectives is this...