This summer, the documentary film “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” became the all time top-grossing domestic biographical documentary. My local favorite theater, Film Streams, held the film over repeatedly, but this is not what makes the film startling. Rather, it is what...
You’ve probably made some New Year resolutions or, perhaps, set out your 2018 intentions. Many of you will have weighed the pressures of work and home and determined that 2018 will be a more efficient, productive, and less overwhelming year. Apps and tools, processes...
“Conversation distinguishes the human being from the animal and the civilized man from the barbarian.” – Michael Oakeshott Nurturing our conversational lives has many benefits. It is the bridge that connects our individual selves with those of people around us. To...
[youtube=] By way of boredom, revelation… At the recent Delight Conference, Genevieve Bell referenced Heidegger’s salutation to boredom in his treatise The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. Inspired by Heidegger’s use of...
Walking is the perfect pace for our brains. Some evolutionary theories posit that the beginnings of our bipedalism, say, 4 million years ago, predated and even facilitated the development of our brains. We walked to intelligence. Neuroscientists such as Daniel Levitin...